It’s garbage day and I’m letting go of the unhappiness that comes from cruelty. I am sending hurt and upset away with the trash.
Not every relationship can be salvaged. It’s important to say goodbye to the ones that keep us up at night. Too often, when someone is mean, we look to ourselves for the reason, when most of the time the reason lives in the other person.
I don’t walk around wondering what shitty look I can give someone that will hurt them the most. I walk around looking for ways to help people. People who find their strength in unkindness are not actually strong at all. Strength looks more like love and forgiveness.
In a maze, when presented with a path that doesn’t go through, we instinctively look for a path that does. In life, when met with an obstacle, we spend way too much time trying to figure out why.
The assholes are the path that doesn’t go through, and they deserve exactly the amount of effort that we give the dead-end in a maze.
It’s pretty arrogant to think that we know best how someone else should behave. People are the way they are for their own reasons, and if someone has decided to block my path, I don’t have to change it, I have to find another way.
So goodbye unresolved hurt, you’re going away with the trash. I’m going to take another path today, because at the end is happiness, and I have no need to dwell on your unhappiness.
I’m not flawless. I do things that upset people. I am accountable. I apologize, I make amends, I honor the other person by communicating my upset, or I walk away. What I don’t do is actively try to hurt people.
It is arrogant to think that my way is the only way. Some people protect themselves in ways that hurt others, and I get it. They can have it.
I’m not going to try to change anyone, I respect their decision to be assholes, but my hurt feelings are going away with the trash because I have a goal that doesn’t have space for hurt or upset. I’m not going to punish you, I’m not going to punish myself, and I won’t allow you to punish me. We’re all doing our best.
I don’t want to throw the people away, so I’m just sending away the way they want me to feel right now, because I’d rather be happy.
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