The Race

It’s garbage day, and I’m sending away the race. It’s imaginary, anyway. 

I am almost embarrassed to admit how often I have to remind myself that life isn’t timed. We can slow it down. 

I feel a certain amount of pressure to do everything as soon as I know that it needs to be done. This week, I’m pressing pause. 

Do you remember making mix tapes from the radio? We’d have to hit pause at just the right moment so that the DJ didn’t ruin our vibe with the beginning of the next song, or even worse, a commercial for the Palladium.  

Life is a lot like a mix tape. It’s important to have the right timing if you want things to turn out perfectly. Sometimes we think we can just fast-forward through the bad parts, but it’s always better if we press pause with intention. 

As we enter into the second week of this month-long stay-at-home suggestion, I’m eager to fast forward through this… to the good part. Instead I’m going to pause, as my wise coworker suggested today. There is time.

We don’t need all of the answers now. This isn’t a race. We lost an entire year and we survived that, so we can relax and let the powers that be show us the way. In time.

Breath in, breath out, and take this well-timed pause so the DJ doesn’t talk over the end of your favorite song. The answers will come in time, we don’t need to rush around trying to figure out what is going to happen. 

Life is a mix tape, not a race. 

