
Yesterday was garbage day, and I wrote my usual garbage day post, and then I deleted it. It just didn't feel right. Without meaning to, I threw away rigidity. 
I can write a post and decide I don't like it. I wonder how many bad things happen because of deadlines. Probably way too many. So away with the garbage yesterday, they took my deadline. I don't need it anymore. 
If you have the choice between doing something mediocre today, and doing something brilliant the next day, choose the next day. It's better to get it right than to rush it. 
Deadlines are important for some things, but for my blog that almost nobody reads, I can be a little forgiving. I didn't know yesterday what I wanted to throw away, but today I'm certain. I want to throw out my deadline. 
I am ditching rigidity, and becoming flexible and forgiving. Everything is going to be just fine if I am not perfect. I pay my bills on time, I get my kids to school on time, but I definitely don't care what time I go to bed, wake up, or post my blog. Some things are flexible, and garbage day is not one of them. 
I sent the deadline away with the garbage, right on time. But I'm just telling you about it today.
