It’s garbage day, and I’m sending away my mean side. I’m mostly only mean to myself, anyway.
The world is full of magic, luck, and joy. When I spend my time being mad at myself for little things, I’m missing the most important thing, enjoyment. In each moment I have the choice, how do I want to feel right now?
Probably not mean. When I’m mean to myself, I feel heavy and upset, weighed down by my own harsh words. I want to feel happy, light and free.
At times, I am so hard on myself that I miss out on experiencing the perfection of the moment. There are so many perfect moments. I don’t want to waste them feeling bad about what I ate today, the chores I didn’t do, a disagreement with my kids.
So I’m sending away my mean side, and replacing it with self-compassion. We all deserve a little extra kindness right now. It’s easy to find it for everybody else, and I’m going to push to find it for myself.
So today all of my sins are forgiven, and my faults will be met with understanding. I deserve the same kindness I share with others, I deserve my own forgiveness.
Although you wrote this a year ago, I was meant to read it only now for I have only very recently come to the sad realisation that my default response setting is anger (meanness). Thank you for what you have written. The world is a better place.