False Urgency

It’s garbage day, or maybe it isn’t because of the holiday, the air quality, and the fires. But either way, my eyes are burning from just rolling the cans across the street. 

Every week I try to use garbage day as a way to get rid of some thought, idea, or belief that no longer serves me. This week seems like a good week to send away false urgency. 

So often we get caught up in some emergency, that we don’t really see the problem as it actually exists. The drama is exciting, and once our adrenaline kicks in, we stop thinking clearly. 

It is important to take a moment, when we feel ourselves spinning out, and just try to get some perspective. Usually, being flustered doesn’t help. 

I’m the queen of false urgency. I’ll drive to LA and rent a u-haul to help my friend move the moment she tells me her boyfriend is cheating on her. I’ll drive 75 on Sonoma highway to get my kid if he calls me crying in the middle of the night. I’ve climbed through windows, I’ve driven get away cars, I’ve screamed at my kids to hurry up... only to get where we are going way too early. 

Sometimes there really are emergencies, but often times it is just a chemical reaction in my brain that kicks me into super hero mode. Sometimes I’ve used my powers to save lives, but more often than not, some time and clear thinking would have been beneficial. 

Today I’m sending away the panic. I vow to focus on the situation at hand with a coolness and calmness that will make me the envy of sloths the world over. I’m not taking on other people’s drama as my own emergency, and I’m not creating drama of my own. 

I’ve got time to think things through, make a reasonable plan, and solve problems without the false urgency and drama I’ve grown accustomed to. As I say goodbye to this week’s garbage, I’m really only going to miss the super suit. ♥️
