
We all remember Yoda's famous words, "Do or do not, there is no try." Strangely enough, I always took it to mean that you should just cut the shit and get down to business. Like a drunk telling you they're trying to drink less, I thought of yoda's "try" as a half-assed version of doing. What I've come to realize recently is that try isn't just a watered down version of doing, but actually a COUNTER effort. 

Putting effort toward something that isn't coming easily is not actually even a walk down the same path as actually just doing it. It's an entirely different road. What I've just now figured out is that the act of doing is merely the act of getting out of your own way. Trying isn't even related to doing. Doing is it's own thing, and it's something that happens to you, something that just IS, not something you try to do. The effort involved in trying is actually counterproductive. 

The very idea that one would have to try is just in the way of being. Don't try, push, or work toward something. Just do and be. Be who you are, do what you do, and exist. Yoda was spot on when he said there is no try. Trying is the act of NOT doing. It just took me a few decades to catch on to that. 

I'm not saying don't work hard, we have to work hard. I'm saying work hard at what you are doing. Be the best at who you are, live each breath, you do you. If what you're trying to do isn't working, it's not the right thing. What you're doing right now is already exactly right. 

The good news is, you're perfect. The bad news is, all of those things you planned to try to change are outside of your control. Whatever will be, will be. I mean, if you're being honest, you know that everything already actually is. Don't try to be calm, just be calm. These are choices and versions of being, there is no amount of effort or trying that can create a new reality. The truth is easy, what's real is now. Anything you're trying to do is a lie. Excuses for why you're too scared or too soft or too worried or too nice to just let it be. 

Look in the mirror and stop trying to lose weight. Love what is because that's your truth, and you have infinite effortless beauty. How miserable will you be if you are always trying? Toss it out. Just be, right now, in the moment and effortlessly. If your life isn't what you want it to be, its not because you're not trying. It's because you're trying too hard. 

We try to put up with our bad marriages, our horrible jobs, the things we hang on to in order to fulfill some ideal that isn't helping us. Stop trying. The only reason you have to try is because it isn't the right thing. The right thing already is. Just be exactly who you are. And if you've gone so far of track while trying to be something you thought you should be, just set it all down. You'll be fine. We've known this all along. Be who you are, and when you need to be something else, you will be, you won't even have to try. 


  1. You are so right. I have been trying to chase certain things my whole life. Never reaching those things and living with the disappointment. It’s heartbreaking. I would rather be doing things and appreciating who I am in the moment instead of constantly looking for who I might be in the future. ♥️

    1. I have a feeling that now is pretty great if we let it be. <3


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